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8 Design Tips for Your First 10X Content Pillar Page

Monday 7 January 2019

5 minute read

By Sarah Burns

Pillar pages are great at developing existing content into search engine-friendly content and educating your visitors with ease. 

A 10X content pillar page is designed to showcase your information - often taken from a gated resource, i.e. ebook - on one long webpage, with an easy-to-navigate style, with key headers.

This pillar page should be designed with the reader's ease-of-use in mind, so don't forget:

  • Key sub-headers to divide each section or topic
  • Back-to-top hyperlinks, so readers can go back to the 'contents'
  • Easy-to-read font and size suitable for all screen sizes
  • Gated opportunity to download a PDF of your page (ebook!)

As outlined in our recent post, How SEO Results Are Being Boosted by Content Pillar Page Marketing:

"Although ebooks, webinars, email marketing and the other methods in your marketing toolkit are great you now need to look at breaking out the content of these and ungating them - why?

"By having a variety of your best knowledge and giveaways ungated on your website for all to see means the search engines can see it too. A whitepaper on family law is sure to have lots of your common search terms, but if it's gated Google can't see it. Similarly, a webinar on how to change the oil in a Ford Fiesta is absolutely great for your readers, but Google can't read it."

The best way to get started with your 10X content pillar page is to strip out of all of the text from your ebook and then redesign it to suit pillar page best practices, as identified below.

01. Reference core topic in the title, URL and H1 tag

02. Create an anchor-linked table of contents 

03. Include your site navigation - it's not a landing page

04. Incorporate any images with the core topic referenced in the ALT text 

05. Use H2 tags to set up your section headers 

06. Include text hyperlinks to internal and external resources that add value (open in new window) 

07. Reference your core topic with synonyms - find a balance for good reading, keep it natural 

08. Include a back-to-top hyperlink at the end of each topic/section

If you're looking to embark on a website build project, whether it's completely from scratch or a site refresh, our ebook will give you the knowledge to make your project as stress-free as possible.

The Website Design Handbook for Businesses

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