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8 Superstars We'd Love To Recruit For Our Marketing Team

Monday 28 September 2015

8 minute read

By Sarah Burns

Everyone has that superstar team, you know the one, if you could hire absolutely anybody or choose anybody to share your lunch break with who would it be? 

We don't mean from a pick of Jennifer Lopez, Brad Pitt or some other fantasy celeb, but those industry idols we all have!

For us, we're lucky to be part of an ever-evolving industry with so many inspiring individuals to choose from.

Although we believe that we're content marketing specialists, these guys are just completely "next level"...

Jeff Bullas

Anyone in the marketing field knows of the name Jeff Bullas, he's a blogger, strategist, speaker and author who works with companies and their execs to optimise both personal and company brands.

His forte? Digital, content and social media marketing.

With his name being found in "Top X" lists of digital marketers each year, including those produced by Forbes and the Huffington Post, he's a guy whose advice you can trust.


Chris Brogan

A New York Times bestselling author, business strategist and online marketing expert. 

Chris is a much sought after public speaker and has written a number of books. He has spoken for or consulted with some of the biggest brands around the globe including, Disney, Coca Cola, Google and Sony USA.


Gary Vaynerchuk

A leading speaker in the marketing field - Gary's webinars are a must-watch - with a story as fascinating as it is to hear him speak about even mundane things.

Gary began his career with his father's wine store, Wine Library, which Gary took control of in 2006 - this is where the webinars began. Thanks to the success of this he set up his social media brand consultancy agency, VaynerMedia, which has worked with to date, Hasbro, PepsiCo and Budweiser. 


Seth Godin

Another bestselling author, Seth is most known for his excellent books, which discusses the spreading of ideas, marketing, leadership and how to change everything (he covers all bases). 

Seth launched one of the first internet-based direct-marketing firms, with the ideology that companies needed to rethink how they reached customers. This company was bought by Yahoo and Seth remains a key speaker on the subject of marketing in the digital age. Several of his critically acclaimed books are Permission MarketingAll Marketers Are Liars, and Purple Cow.


Joe Pulizzi

A leading figure in the content marketing arena, Joe founded Content Marketing Institute and has become an established author and speaker.

Under Joe's leadership, the CMI was listed by Inc. Magazine as the fastest growing business media company in 2014.

If you're debating the rewards from content marketing, read our blogs at Thrive and for further evidence, read one of Joe's books - you'll be hooked! 


Jonah Peretti

Probably one of the most recent additions to "Top X" lists, Jonah is the founder of BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post.

Jonah co-founded The Huffington Post with Kenneth Lerer and Arianna Huffington in 2005, leaving following AOL's £315m purchase of the company in 2011.

Already hard at work, Jonah founded BuzzFeed way back in November 2006. When he left The Huffington Post, Jonah began working full-time at BuzzFeed and in 2014, it was suggested that BuzzFeed had a value of almost $1bn.

Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah

Joint co-founders of HubSpot, Brian and Dharmesh are a powerful force in the field of inbound marketing.

To date, HubSpot has more than 10,000 customers (including Thrive) and is a key platform for developing inbound and content marketing strategies.

Brian and Dharmesh have both written a number of best selling books and are now leading figures, not just at HubSpot, but for the field of inbound marketing. 


Who would you love to join your team? Share your answers via @ThriveHQ!

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