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Excellent Content Marketing & Lead Generation Ideas to Boost Landing Pages

Friday 30 January 2015

9 minute read

By Sarah Burns

There might be many content marketing ideas to boost your lead generation strategy...

We have taken the best ideas and are going to use them to implement solid lead generation methods for YOU! Don't say that we don't give you the best...

What kinds of content can you use as a lead generation technique? ANYTHING!

It should be exactly as you offer - don't oversell something and it should, fundamentally, answer your buyer persona's key marketing challenges.

Solve a solution before they've physically engaged with you and you're onto a winner...

Lead Generation Content Worth Knowing About (and Implementing)

1. Checklists

A short offer that takes little time to put together but can be of great use to a reader who wishes to print out and put it up by their desk. 

Use clear headers, bullet point information and a concise design. Add a logo for brand identity and to ensure that as people download and use your content, they're reminded of who provided it... you!

2. Ebooks

Long form content like ebooks can provide wondrous solutions for your buyer personas. However, these can take more time to strategies, create and design. 

They're most popular because when done well they generate lots of leads and are perfect for nurturing leads too - the more content you offer, the more solutions you're offering (a big win for your prospect).

3. Email Subscriptions

Use email subscriptions to blogs as a way of converting blog readers into leads. Simply getting an email address off a user can start a potential relationship, all with the only original premise of sending blog posts weekly / daily / monthly. 

How do you turn them into a lead? When they're intrigued by one of these email updates and read that blog, they may just be tempted into downloading the offer that you should be putting in a call-to-action at the bottom of the post. 

4. Podcasts

Be human. Show off your human side and put a voice into your blog or resources, rather than just blog posts. It's low budget and can be used for sharing industry updates, company news and simply by keeping your audience involved.

Use social sharing and email blasts to share this multimedia content too!

5. SlideShare Presentations

Just like blog posts, SlideShare presentations are great for redirecting traffic to your website. Use content that doesn't sit behind a form as a sneak peek into your expert knowledge. 

Why not use these SlideShares by converting into PDFs and offering them for less information than you normally would? You're still generated leads this way!

6. Videos

Visual content does work better than paper and people do like and remember visual information better than what they've read. Which is why video works so well - it's likeable and shareable - win/win!

Why not produce a step-by-step video guide to using your product or explaining a service? 

7. Whitepapers

Unlike ebooks, whitepapers are more formal, wordy documents that are done in a formal, academic or persuasive style. 

As a detailed and authoritative resource, people download them for the information they hold, not because they look fun (unlike, perhaps, an eBook).

8. Worksheets

Get interactive! Provide your readers with content that not only advises but allows them to learn and improve automatically.

Our Editorial Calendars are a prime example of allowing a customer to use our knowledge to develop their own and improve strategy and, ultimately, content creation methods.

9. Demos

Make it easy for a potential customer and offer them a demo of your tools/services/products. Offer them a demo of how your product/service can change their personal lives/company etc (dependent on your buyer persona). 

If you're willing to demo a product/service then a customer will instantly have more faith on you than if you'd let them wilt, in the hope of downloading/reading more online content or hoping they'll attend an event/roadshow.

10. Guides

Guides vary in their appearance and content, however, they all do the same thing. They are tutorials, with step-by-step instructions as to how to perform a task. 

Whether you want to produce an ultimate guide (be it printed, a blog, ebook...) or a simple guide (in any of the aforementioned styles), they are explanatory and customers appreciate them.

11. Contests

For fast-growing traffic, contests are key - particularly when advertised or conducted through social mediums. Whether it's as simple as:

[Twitter] Follow us & RT this message for a chance to win a £20 high street gift voucher!  

Or as complicated as:

Take a photo of you and your Mum in your favourite place and share it with us, for your chance to win a £50 gift voucher!

These contests really work to drive traffic, increase leads and promote your brand!

12. Emails

Email series' offer a campaign on a specific topic that a lead has opted in to receiving. They ultimately offer a number of emails over a defined period targeted at achieving a particular goal - i.e. extending your knowledge of Facebook Marketing, which could include ebooks, blog posts, infographics and more. 

13. Cheat Sheets

People LOVE to think they're getting insider knowledge and cheat sheets are often designed in concise forms. 

They're designed to be skim read quickly and offer insightful content that makes the reader's job/life/task easier. The more visual the better - an infographic-style-cheat-sheet perhaps...?

14. Templates

Give them something they can use to create original things of their own. Produce a spreadsheet for finances if you're an accountancy firm or a formal letter template if you're a solicitor... Get creative with your thinking and you can produce something amazing!

Find more like this via Lead Generation.

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