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Thrive Marketing Event celebrates Inbound Marketing Week in Durham

Wednesday 28 May 2014

9 minute read

By Thrive HQ

Who wants free tea and cake on one quintessentially English afternoon in June? If you shout "me!" and also want to discover the real story behind inbound / content / digital marketing (choose your preferred term), read on...

As marketers and designers who have constantly reshaped and reevaluated to keep up with that ticking clock of change, we know it's not easy for busy managers and CEOs to also keep a grasp of what's "in".

Forget Justin Bieber and One Direction - it's important you know what business strategies and marketing methods get results.

Miley Cyrus can "twerk" all she wants too, because you need to know about website design, digital media and mobile platforms in 2014.

From June 2 - 6, there is a global celebration and awareness raising campaign of how marketing has become a collaborative mix of modern and traditional methods - i.e. radio advertising and Twitter marketing.

#InboundMarketingWeek highlights how going #inbound isn't a tactic or a channel, but a holistic approach to attracting, engaging and delighting customers.

As a North East inbound marketing agency with a team from all over the region, including Newcastle, Sunderland, Darlington, Aycliffe and Middlesbrough, we know what it's like to have stereotypes, economic difficulty and competition from "down South" pressuring you. 

We get that you know "you probably should" do X, Y and Z, but quite simply don't have the time and / or resource do so. Which is why,on June 6th, we're asking for two hours of your time to discover exactly what is happening on the content marketing landscape.

One of our speakers, Chris Stainthorpe, a Joint Founder of CustomerSure, says:

"Inbound marketing is simple at its core, but so often tragically misunderstood or badly executed. I’m a big believer in ‘sharing the love’, so I want to help change that. It’s absolutely key that your marketing messages connect with your customers, so I’m looking forward to sharing some tips on how spending time listening to your current customers will help you win new ones."

So, come and brush off the dust on your marketing strategy and get the ball rolling with #inbound. 

From 1PM - 3PM at the Xcel Centre, Newton Aycliffe, on June 6th, we're offering cakes, scones and sandwiches along with tea, coffee and other refreshments. You'll get the chance to network with businesses from all over the region.

Another of our speakers, Nevil Tynemouth, of New Results Training said:

"We are really pleased to have been invited to speak at such a great event. The opportunity to speak to business people about growing their business is great. Sharing a stage with a group of experts in their field is always fantastic. We are looking forward to supporting businesses by sharing the research and development we have done over the past few years. But overall it has to be the fact that we really rather like afternoon tea – is the kettle on?"

Times are achanging in Aycliffe as we await the arrival of Hitachi Rail Park and the other exciting development is that we aren't getting left behind with traditional marketing - and we won't let you lose track of your business goals either.

Speakers aren't just discussing inbound, there's a host of topics to dig your teeth into...

Rachel Townsend Green, Director, Thrive Marketing Limited
The changing landscape of marketing today, the importance of 'closing the loop' in terms of measurability and ROI using campaigns that attract, convert, close and, ultimately, delight clients. 

Chris Stainthorpe, Joint Founder, CustomerSure Limited
Why feedback is essential to your content strategy.  Why your customers are one of your most valuable sources of content for both 'human' readers and the SEO robots, including practical advice on the best way to engage with your customers and collect their feedback.

Nevil Tynemouth, Founding Director and Mike Lever, Director (and current British Sales Trainer of the Year), New Results Training Limited
The sales cycle - making your sales work for you and 'to buy or not to buy', the psychology of consumer behaviour, both enabling you to sell more, to more customers, more often. 

Morgan Stephenson, General Manager, HT Media Limited
How we now consume video and media information online and what is the power of character, story and motivation? Why does video influence our purchasing decisions and what can be done to increase brand awareness through moving media? 

Sponsoring our event are the fantastic teams behind these wonderful organisations...

Business Durham - Providing dynamic and proactive support to the County Durham business community.
Teesside University Business School - The 'real world' business school, supporting personal and professional ambitions and inspiring and shaping top business talent.
DigitalCity Business - Creating a self-sustaining, vibrant cluster in the Tees Valley, based on digital media and technology initiatives with world-class people and projects.
South Durham Enterprise Agency (SDEA) - An award-winning economic development agency working to create and sustain businesses and communities, supporting economic development initiatives. 

UPDATE: Our event has now passed, but you're more than welcome to email hello@thriveability.co.uk to discuss inbound, or start the journey with our FREE eBook to claim now (below).

For more Thrive events, check out our Eventbrite page.

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