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Forget B2B and B2C Communications, Your Goal Is Human-To-Human or H2H

Friday 7 July 2017

3 minute read

By Sarah Burns

We're all aware and used to being categorised as either a B2B or B2C audience - but what about H2H and why is it so important?

It is important to understand that we aren't saying, "Chuck B2B/B2C out of the window - it's dead".

After all, before H2H can start we need to know whether we're attracting a business or consumer. There's no point spending time and effort on a H2H relationship if you can't help them.

When you adopt a human-to-human focus, your messaging is centered on the notion that you're a person talking to another person. 

Make your communications and touch points with your prospect emotional, personable, warm.

With inbound marketing and, particularly as one of our HubSpot Support Package customers, there are a number of ways to easily implement this.

  • Personalisation tokens - Both the "to" and "from" fields on your emails will have a person's name on it. You can also use these on your website and across your website.
  • Buyer personas - Who is the person? Don't just focus on the company and its demographics, focus on the actual person you will be engaging.
  • Calls to action and landing page content - These all should speak to your persona's challenges and pain points.

Through the use of human-to-human marketing you are creating an experience for your prospect. Find out how to use this methodology as part of your marketing strategy by getting in touch with our team.

Find more posts like this, via Inbound Sales.

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