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How to Use Facebook's Custom Audience Tool

Monday 25 June 2018

5 minute read

By Sarah Burns

If you're a regular user of Facebook's Advertising feature you may have spotted the Custom Audience option.

Facebook's definition of a Custom Audience is:

"A Custom Audience from a customer list is a type of audience you can create made up of your existing customers. You can target ads to the audience you've created on Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network."

With this in mind we want to help you sell to current customers by strengthening your existing Facebook connections. By using the data you provide Facebook, the social media giant can compare your data with ours to help you find people you know on Facebook.

Facebook assures that this data will be encrypted to protect customer relationships.

How to create a Facebook Custom Audience

1. Create a list of either email addresses or phone numbers using your customer data

2. Save your list in CSV or TXT format

3. Go to the Audiences tab in Adverts Manager

4 .Click the Create Audience button, select the Custom Audience option, then choose Customer List

5. Upload the CSV or TXT file list you previously saved, or easily drag and drop your file to the Custom Audience box

6. Your Custom Audience will be ready in about 30 minutes 

How to use Custom Audiences

1. Create an advert using the Adverts Create Tool. You can set it to be shown in News Feed or the right-hand column, and on any device.

2. Choose your Custom Audience and select targeting options such as location, age, gender and interests.

3. Set a budget and place your order. Your advert will be served to the audience that you've chosen to target.

Tips to Expand Your Custom Audience

If your Custom Audience has fewer than 1,000 people, consider the following:

  • Choose CPM bidding to ensure that your adverts are served to the group you want to reach
  • Increase your maximum CPM bid. A slightly higher bid will help you reach your Custom Audience
  • Test different creative elements to see which ones audiences best respond to
  • Update your Custom Audience as your list grows. This ensures that your adverts reach new customers as they find your business
  • Create a Lookalike Audience from your Custom Audience to help your adverts reach people similar to your best customers

These tips are compiled using Facebook's help centre - find more information here.

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