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How to Get Rid of Your Ghost Followers

Monday 24 October 2016

4 minute read

By Rachael Farley

It can be extremely frustrating when you’ve just posted a tweet on Twitter and hardly anyone likes it.

You could have a thousand followers, but only ten people will bother to press that little heart icon. The problem lies within your ghost followers, who are inactive accounts or people who simply don’t interact with your page.

Don’t fret, it’s very easy to get rid of these ‘ghosties’ in a few easy steps.

Who needs to call Ghostbusters, when you could invest in a good app that can track activity on your social media instead? Most are available for free and allow you to see who interacts with your posts on a daily basis and those who just lurk in the background.

Some good apps and sites to try are:


Once you know who’s letting your post sit on zero likes, you only have one option - block! It may seem a bit harsh, but it’s the only way that you can get that account to unfollow you. (You could always unblock them afterwards if you wanted.)

To block an account all you need to do is...

  1. Open up the ghost follower's profile either on desktop or mobile.
  2. Select the cog symbol (located next to the 'following' symbol on desktop or next to the direct message button on mobile).
  3. Click block - that account will automatically unfollow you, leaving you with genuine followers.

Congratulations are now in order, as you have successfully terminated your ghost followers (and you didn’t even have to get your hands dirty).

Remember to keep on top of those who follow you to keep the inactive followers at bay!

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