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No Subscribers To Your Blog? Get 100s Now!

Friday 15 July 2016

4 minute read

By Thrive HQ

Subscribers are very important when it comes to the success of your blog, they provide those initial blog views that grow from then on. 

Want to know how to get build on that subscriber list or even get one started? Here are some helpful tips that are bound to grow your audience...

Give the reader an incentive

One way to try and attract new readers to subscribe to your blog is to give something to them return. For example, offer them a free ebook that they would usually have to fill out a whole form for, but all you are asking for is their email address. Make sure the ebook is relevant to the content they are reading!

Add smart calls-to-action to your website pages

Smart CTAs only show up to website visitors who aren't already subscribed to your blog, adding these onto various pages throughout your website could encourage your visitors to subscribe.

Optimise your top blog posts

Take a look at which of your blog posts are generating the most traffic and optimise them for subscriptions. In 2015 HubSpot discovered that 76% of their monthly blog views came from older posts that they published rather than from their most recent content.

Put calls-to-action where people are paying attention

There are plenty of distractions on your website that can stop your visitors filling out that subscribe form. Think about removing your side bar off your blog (if you have one) and making your subscribe form stands out to the rest of your content and images on your website.

Ask nicely!

Trying to find the right way to encourage your visitors to subscribe to your blog and not making your visitors feel bad for choosing not to opt-in is hard. Keep trying different ways to word you subscribe CTAs and see which one works for your business.

To discuss the content of this blog or how we can support your business, get in touch with our team today, via hello@thriveability.co.uk / 0845 838 7517. 

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