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Common Twitter Queries Sorted in Less Than 140 Characters!

Monday 2 February 2015

6 minute read

By Sarah Burns

Why make things difficult when starting out or adapting your social media marketing strategies? 

Improve upon your current Twitter Marketing with these solutions to common Twittersphere queries...

Twitter has developed year-on-year, so we thought we'd give your knowledge of the platform a little refresh with these common questions (and their solutions) focusing on Twitter.

1. What does Twitter engagement mean?

Twitter engagement can be anything that is an actual action taken by a user on a tweet, i.e. favourite, retweet or reply.

2. Are short links really better than long / original URLs?

It depends on the content surrounding the URL - trust and transparency is key.

3. Why should I favourite, rather than retweet something?

You've acknowledged it like a text that says "OK", but you don't have anything to add.

4. How do I get an organic following? 

Create tweets that are much more visible and designed to fit your buyer personas.

5. Can people only see my tweets if they are following me?

If your account is public (standard setting) anyone can see your tweets if they look for it. 

6. I want to tweet a specific person - how do I do this?

Include the handle at the start if you only want them to see, otherwise everyone can see with or without their handle!

7. How can I use hashtags effectively?

Depends on the reach of your tweet and the topic you're using as a hashtag!

8. How many hashtags are too many hashtags?

Typically, 1-2 do better for generating engagement than those with more.

9. I want to use the BEST hashtag I possibly can - how do I do this?

Websites like hashtag.org work to show you the most popular ones being used in different categories.

10. Does it help my profile to have hashtags in my profile bio?

Yes! These hashtags can appear during "People" searches!

11. Should all tweets have links / multimedia?

Ideally yes, there should be something clickable, be it a hashtag, media or link!

12. Can I schedule tweets?

Not through Twitter itself, but there are plenty of third-party apps which allow you to.

13. Should I tweet a link to my website in every tweet?

It's up to you! Experiment to find out what works best for your marketing goals.

14. When is the best time to tweet?

Mon-Thurs, 1-3PM. However, it depends who your audience is - Twitter is real-time & SPEEDY!

15. How many tweets should I ideally send a day?

Research suggests more than 14 tweets per day shows a drop in engagement.

16. What are Twitter Cards?

You attached photos, video or other media to drive website traffic. 

17. How do I connect with someone who has a private account?

Request to follow. You cannot otherwise force interaction with a private account. 

18. Do third-party apps like TweetDeck harm Twitter - or penalise my posts?

No. Twitter actually owns TweetDeck. Unless you tell people, they won't even know you schedule!

19. Do emojis make a difference to the popularity of my tweet?

Studies have found emoticons on Facebook increase social shares 33%. There's no Twitter data, however. 

Find more like this via Social Media or visit our FAQspage for further FAQs.

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